Youth Race & Adventure Team
What is it
This is a weekly advanced skills program for mountain biking teens. It will include coaching from knowledgeable and experienced PMBIA certified coaches with expert level riding skills, and the opportunity to experience some of the most demanding terrain in the greater Moose Mountain area with a group of like minded peers.
The goal of the Alberta 66 Youth Race and Enduro Team is to give riders age 14 to 18 a consistent, supportive and fun environment to grow and maximize their mountain biking skills. These skills can be applied to competitive enduro racing and participants will be well equipped to do so. However, our primary aim is to develop some rad mountain bikers with a lifelong love of this exciting activity.
Modeled on our adult Race and Adventure Team with the same emphasis on fun and riding great trails, but with supervision and instruction appropriate to the age group.

Details for 2025
- April 29th to July 29th
- Meets every Tuesday evening at 6:30PM for an approximately 2 1/2 hr. ride.
- Meetup location will vary from week to week. Primarily at the parking lots of Moose Mountain near Bragg Creek.
- 24 youth athletes, 4 coaches.
- 14 to 18 year old suggested age range with consideration given to younger depending on skill level and experience.
- Ride nights will include climbing, skills sessions and descending. There will be opportunities to incorporate Alberta 66 shuttle uplifts, but anticipate pedal accessed riding each session.
- Cost is $550+GST (14 sessions and a jersey)

Cost, and what you get
Cost per club member is $505 +GST for the 2022 season
This includes:
- 15x Thursday coached ride nights (April 21 - July 30)
- 3x team pre-rides at Crowsnest, Canmore and Panorama Enduro races (optional attendance and racing)
- Team Jersey
There may also be opportunities to take part in special events such as shuttle days and weekend group rides (these would require an additional charge).
Rider prerequisites:
Fitness Level - 4 and up
Skill Level - Strong 4 and up
Visit out Skill and Fitness Levels page
Members should be have previous experience riding the black level technical trails at Moose Mountain or equivalent. They should also be able to climb up to 500M in a ride without undue discomfort.
The club participants are required to arrive at the designated meetup spot for 6:30PM.
- It is expected that club members will arrive weekly with a well-maintained mountain bike that has been serviced and checked over. This is crucial to the safety of the athlete.
- Modern mountain bike that is sized correctly and appropriate for descending technical black level mountain bike trails as well as climbing.
- Either flat pedals or clipless are fine.
Mandatory Safety Equipment
- Full face helmet, less than three years old, sized correctly (suggest lighter enduro style)
- Kneepads
- Gloves
- Eye protection (suggest clear lenses)
Other safety equipment such as spine protection and elbow pads are welcome but not required.
Participants will be required to carry the following equipment and supplies with them on every ride, so a backpack or fanny pack of sufficient size will be required:
- Water
- Snacks
- Tube
- Multitool
- Wind/rain layer
- Pump (not mandatory but a good idea)
Expected of club members
The club's primary objective is for everyone to have an incredible time riding bikes. To achieve this for everyone there needs to be an adherence to appropriate behavior. The following is expected of all participants:
- Listen to the coaches, pay attention, and participate in the lessons.
- Respect and support all members of the club (coaches and other participants).
- Represent yourselves, the club, and the sport of mountain biking in an exemplary manner to all other trail users.
- Coaches hold PMBIA (Professional Mountain Biking Instructor Association) and first aid certifications.
- Coach to athlete ratio of 1 : 6 maintained.
- Injury action plan in place.
- Coaches carry First Aid Kits and Bear Spray.
- Communication devices include; radios, In Reach, and smartphones.
- A written policy with regard trail features will be provided to team members and parents, and strictly adhered to.
How to register:
Please click the registration button below to send us an email that includes the following information:
- Name youth
- Age
- Previous riding experience
- any questions you may have
We will then contact you with any follow-up questions we may have, and should it be mutually decided that there is a good fit we will proceed with the registration.