Guided Rides / Tours
Some of our favorite options for Guided Rides in our area

Slot Canyon Exploration
The adventure starts with an easy double track ride for 5 km. At the trail head you start climbing uptake single, with some extra effort of pushing the bike up the steep section you are reward with sections of rooty single track above the creek bed below and views of Mount Glasgow to the south as well as a fun down hill return trip after the canyon hike. Options also just to stash the bikes and hike on foot to the canyon. The slot canyon will surprise you with it’s unique polished sandstone walls as you enter it. Each corner you round reveals the power of the water that has flowed through this canyon and the passing of time that it would have taken to form this slot canyon. At the far end of the canyon it opens to a wide dry creek bed and views of Nahahi Ridge to the east. The return trip is on the east side of the slot canyon where you get views from the edge that really show it’s unique shape and depth. On the bikes for the return down the single track and stopping to explore another hidden water fall and then a stop at the river to enjoy the clear cool water and more views or Mount Glasgow and Nahahi Creek.

West Bragg (South Trails)
A collection of local favorite trails including Ranger Summit, Strange Brew and Boundary just to name a few. This side of the trail system offers some longer climbs, fun down hills and is all single track bliss. The network of trails offers several options to build a ride for all fitness and experience levels of riders.

Prairie View to Jewell Pass Loop
A Classic ride and local favorite in the Kananaskis front range mountains. Trail starts at Barrier Lake Day Use Area, a double track climb, switchbacks, and few steep grades get you up to the first view point. Here you get a quick rest and view of the lake below before you ride a short distance to the hike-a-bike section. The extra effort to get to the top is worth it, the rock outcrop offers you the best view of Barrier Lake, Kananaskis River Valley below and Baldy Mountain across the lake, another great ride in the area. Once you have taken the time to enjoy the view, the trail is downhill to the intersection with Jewel Pass. Leaving the top is loose rock and scree for a short distance before entering the trees. Here the trail is a fast fun single track, rooty drops, rock gardens and tight trees keep you on your toes and remind you why you love mountain biking. At the intersection you turn onto Jewel Pass, a faster section of the loop, more flow on this part of the trail so enjoy it. At the bottom of Jewel you ride on a mixture of double and single track along the edge of the lake, returning to the Day Use Area. A great ride anytime of the year and well worth the climb.

West Bragg (North Trails)
This part of the West Bragg trail system offers a great cross country riding experience, with Bragg’n Rights, and Merlin being two of the most statistically popular trails in Canada! Beyond those two there is an extensive network of trails which provide many options. So much fun to be had exploring some of the longer loops, climbing and descending in a mixture of forest and meadows, all on beautiful ribbons of purpose-built single track. Let us know how long you want to ride for and what sort of riding you are used to and we can put together a route to ride with you (with options).

Quirk Creek / Wildhorse Trail
Leaving Cobble Flats day use area you cross the Elbow River, the river crossing is best done later in the summer when the water level is lower, but still can be tricky. The water is cold and can have some current. Once crossed you pickup the double track heading North East, this section is mostly flat but soon turns to the East and starts to climb, gently rolling terrain on gravel road. Meadows on the west facing slopes sometimes offer a chance to see some of the local wild horses. As you approach the 2/3rds mark you turn onto some of the older trail, taking you through an area of recently harvested forest and more meadows, with you finally reaching the edge of Volcano Creek Canyon. A deep canyon cut into the landscape exposing the darker older volcanic rock. Meadows lead right to the edge and it’s a great place to stop for a rest. Doubling back on Quirk Creek Trail for a short distance you see the start of Wildhorse Trail, heading West you ride through more of the cultivated forest area before entering the original forest. This part of the trails is again an older section with some climbing, mixture of single and double track, until you get to the final downhill that takes you back down to the Elbow river, crossing again back to the starting area. Considered an older classic it’s well worth the ride to see the canyon.

Elbow Loop
An easy to moderate mountain bike ride that takes you into the remote backcountry of Kananaskis Country. Mainly double track with some sections of single track following the Elbow and Little Elbow rivers. Done in a counter clockwise direction following the Little Elbow River to Romulus is rolling terrain on double track. At Romulus you start climbing on the double track, moderate elevation gain till the summit, great views of Tombstone Mountain and a quick rest before a fun downhill descent to the intersection with Big Elbow trail. Turning to the East, Big Elbow has sections of single track, mixed with the double track. Some climbing left but generally descending and following the Elbow river. The loop offers amazing views of the mountains, doing a loop around Glasgow, Caldwell, Banded Peak and views of both river valleys.

Powderface Ridge
The ride starts with a scenic 6km gravel ride that gains about 230M of altitude and is a perfect warm up for the singletrack. When you get to the trail it climbs, moderate to steep sections in mixed evergreen forest before arriving at the saddle. Here you get a great view of Nihahi Ridge to the west, Glasgow and Banded to the South West and start the final climb up through the trees to the ridge. This section is a mix of moderate climbs, challenging rock gardens in the alpine meadows with stunning views to help ease your mind. At the south end of the ridge there is a turn to the east and a downhill section that will get you warmed up and excited about the final downhill. Before you get there you make your way along the backside of the ridge and climb to the south summit. At this point you are finished with the climb, rewarded with amazing views of the Elbow valley below and getting prepared for the downhill. The down is a mix of tight lines in the trees, rooty drops and rocks if you want the excitement let off the brakes and enjoy your reward.

Elbow to Talus Lake Bike and Hike
Bike ride follows the Little Elbow River on a double track trail. A relatively easy ride with rolling hills and some elevation gain surrounded by mountains, views of the crystal clear river makes for a great way to get to the trail leading up into the mountains. Once at the campground we stash the bikes and begin the hike. The trail starts to climb, following the stream bed, making its way through the lush green forest, rolling hills and terrain. As you get higher up you cross a scree field and the vegetation changes to more alpine flora and there may be patches of snow. As you arrive at the first lake you walk into a beautiful meadow, a great place to relax before the final push up the scree field to the top lake. Once you arrive at the top you are treated to a beautiful view of the lower lake, meadow and creek below. The return trip follows the same path and offers many views of mountains including MT Romulus and it's snow covered peak.

Jumping Pound / Cox Hill
Classic epic ride accessing two peaks and leaving you breathless from effort and incredible views in all directions. The question is, are the views the highlight, or is it the incredible 7km long, 700M elevation loss descent at the end? Starts with a 14KM gravel grind that can be shuttled if arrangements are made to have the correct vehicles present.